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Scientific Industries/Vortex-Genie 2T/SI-T236/1 Ea

Scientific Industries/Vortex-Genie 2T/SI-T236/1 Ea




Scientific Industries


Scientific Industries,Inc


Vortex Mixers


1 Ea


Same great features as the original Vortex-Genie 2 with an integrated mechanical timer of 1-60 seconds for TOUCH and 1-60 minutes for Hands-Free. Accepts all Vortex-Genie 2 accessories. Supplied with a removable cup head for a single tube and a 3" platform for a beaker, a flask, or multiple tubes.

Features and Functions

Does not walk

Tough metal housing combined with just enough weight, provides a stable platform for all types of mixing.

Timer Function

Touch On: 1-60 seconds, Hands-Free: 1-60 minutes or Continuous.

Variable Speed Control

Allows slow speed shaking action up to high speed vortexing. Each attachment is designed to produce different mixing actions, allowing users to choose the correct action for each application.

Multi-Task Versatility

A broad range of attachments of various shapes, sizes, and materials allows for mixing of almost all common tubes or containers for Hands-Free or Touch operation.

Hands-Free or Touch

A 3-position power switch operates with continuous action or "Touch On" control. With the true "Hands-Free" operation of continuous action, lab operators can greatly increase lab efficiency.


Vortexing time is constant, no matter the day or operator. Accuracy ±5%.

上一篇 Scientific Industries/ABI Digital Vortex-Genie 2/SI-A536/1 Ea  下一篇 Scientific Industries/Vortex-Genie Pulse/SI-P236/1 Ea


6390.26 ¥
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